Dr. Shafi released on bail

Dr. Shafi released on bail

Dr. Shafi released on bail

Dr. Shafi of Kurunegala hospital who was remanded appeared in court for the third time today (25) and on that occasion having considered points forwarded in two instances, Kurunegala magistrate gave a judgement to release him on bail. Earning money in illegal ways, aiding and abetting terrorism and conducting sterile surgeries were the accusations aimed at him. 

Deputy solicitor general who directed inquiries to financial observation unit No. 3 of criminal
investigation department regarding charges of earning money in illegal ways said in court that there is no evidence to confirm that he was involved in money laundering as such. What President's counsel who appeared on behalf of the defendant party was that when conducting Cesarian operations Dr. Shafi did not carry out those surgeries all by himself and that for that reason it is not justified that he be imprisoned. 

In the meantime, what the President's counsel who appeared on behalf of the other party told lawyers of the prejudiced party was that it was not necessary that mothers need not attend this legal inquiries and to prove if their fallopian tubes were severed. Responding to this, lawyer of the prejudiced party said that opinions are expressed by insulting motherhood. 

Explaining matters in relation to detaining the defendant the deputy solicitor general said that Dr. Mohommed Shafi is being detained at present for having committed serious injury, under clause 311 of the penal code and since information to the effect that plaintiff has not brought forward evidence enough to confirm that sterility operations were performed by him; he could be given bail and that there is no objection of attorney general department that he be given bail. Accordingly, the magistrate released him on a cash bail of Rs. two lakhs fifty thousand and 4 sureties of 25 lakhs. The case would be heard in days ahead.   
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