Thero attacked with axe ... on Wesak Poya Day!
A drunken man who had come to Dutugemunu Buddhist Centre in Rajanganaya yaaya 02 on Wesak full moon day has attacked the vihadhipathi there with an axe and caused him injury and the assailant has been taken into custody today (19). It is a tree-feller who works on a casual hired basis in home-gardens and living in Rajanganaya yaaya 02. The viharadhipathi of Dutugemunu Buddhist Centre, Mamankadawala Dhammasiri thero who sustained serious injuries
from the axe-blow of this person was subsequently admitted to Rajanganaya yaaya hospital.
This assailant who has arrived at the said vihara on a motor cycle around 8 in the night on Poya Day under liquor has made a request from the viharadhipathi asking for permission to go to the shrine-room and engage in worship. Since he was in an intoxicated state at that time, the viharadhipathi has refused to grant him permission on that occasion. Later this person who set off home has returned to the vihara at about 8.30 in the night and has once more made the previous request. As the thero has requested his request, the tree-feller who went into a rage had pulled out the axe which was hidden in his waist and had proceeded to attack the thero and had then left the motor cycle in which he came at the vihara and taken to his heels. On that occasion some people who were around had managed to rescue the viharadhipathi from this tree-feller and had admitted him to hospital. The suspect is expected to be produced before court today (19). Thambuththegama police are conducting further inquiries.