Suspicion about Poya attack ... because white cloth bought from Mirigama was found from bomb-house
As white cloth bought from a Mirigama shop by some Muslim females was found from the house in Sandamurdu, investigations have been launched about preparations to carry out a blast clad in white clothing on Poya day. Police request co-operation of the general public to search for Muslim females who so bought the white cloth.
Three women who came to a textile shop in Mirigama last 19th dressed in burka with heads covered and a Muslim national who could be identified as the driver have inquired about 10 sets or couples of
white skirts and jackets. They have informed that they wanted a size larger than their bodies. Later they have paid a sum of Rs. 29,021 to buy those. A set of 5 which can be identified as skirts and jackets found from the house where bombs were exploded in Sainamardu hamlet while the other 5 sets have still not been found.
white skirts and jackets. They have informed that they wanted a size larger than their bodies. Later they have paid a sum of Rs. 29,021 to buy those. A set of 5 which can be identified as skirts and jackets found from the house where bombs were exploded in Sainamardu hamlet while the other 5 sets have still not been found.
The above-mentioned purchase has been made last 19th evening around 6.30 in the evening. It has been revealed that the 10 sets of white skirts and blouses and other clothing in addition to other clothing plus toys for a baby have been bought. Security forces suspect that they have bought these cloth material as a pre-preparation to carry out some crime at some spot where public would gather in plenty during Wesak and Poson festival. Investigations are underway to find whether these sets of cloth were handed over to some other members of the group at some other spot. Police request public to co-operate in identifying the driver of the van in which the females came and the three females themselves.