Saharan's sister exposes about Saharan
It has by now been revealed that Saharan Hasheem who committed suicide by blasting a bomb is not a person who was equipped with wealth or money like other suicide bombers.
Saharan Hasheem was a resident of Kattankudy area in Sri Lanka and was a person who functioned as a teacher of Islam religion at national thawheed jamad mosque there. This mosque incidentally
was established by him. This 33 yer old person had entered into marriage with a 23 year old woman named Mohammed Hadiya. It has been revealed that they have a son of eight years and a daughter aged eight years. Apart from families of Saharan Hasheem, he has two brothers and two sisters, it is understood. His 55 year old father is Mohammed Hasheem while his 50 year old mother is Abdul Cader Samina by name.
was established by him. This 33 yer old person had entered into marriage with a 23 year old woman named Mohammed Hadiya. It has been revealed that they have a son of eight years and a daughter aged eight years. Apart from families of Saharan Hasheem, he has two brothers and two sisters, it is understood. His 55 year old father is Mohammed Hasheem while his 50 year old mother is Abdul Cader Samina by name.
Whatever it is, his sister Hasheem Madaniya has told media that all members of Hasheem's family have disappeared since April 18th. She further says that she had visited her parents and two brothers that day and that there is no information about them.
"He began teaching at this mosque in the year 2017. On that occasion what he taught was that this world has come into being for Muslims and that there is no place for other people professing another faith. But we were not in favour of these teachings. Because of that we disconnected association with him", she mentioned.
In the meantime, after a conflictory situation which had flared up in Kattankudy on March 10th in the year 2017 he has fled the area. The sister subsequently said that until last Easter Sunday when suicide bombs began to explode there had been no news about him. Similarly, his third brother, Mohommed Rilwan Hasheem too has disappeared by now. In any case, police have been able to get information by now that Hasheem is behind the incident where Buddhist statues in Kandy were destroyed in December last year.
Incidentally, it is in the year 2011 that the national thawheed jamad organisation was established centering it Kattankudy with Saharan taking the front seat. Though this is a small region, it is densely populated. Even today there are close upon 63 mosques here. Among those mosques, about 3 mosques are engaged in propagating fundamentalism relating to the theory of Wahab.
According to what Indian media says, the incident of a motor cycle exploding on a particular day in this year in Kattankudy has a link with the suicide bombing attack, it is suspected. Indian media once again brings to memory that the town of Kattankudy is the place where L.T.T.E. terrorists attacked mosques and killed 150 Muslim devotees on a certain day in the year 1990 during the Eelam war.
" What he always used to say was that we should live according to what Quran says. He said that in the instance of robbery ... that robber's hands and legs should be severed and that in the case of illicit associations ... stoning should be the mode of punishment. What he wanted was to bring in Sharia law. But we constantly exchanged words with him that this country is not Saudi Arabia". It was so mentioned by a former member of Kattankudy mosque council, Mohommed Zabeel.
Saharan Hasheem who was born to a poor family was identified as an indisciplined character even from childhood. In that manner because he got involved with teachers during his education, he was someone who was expelled from school, it is understood. Ultimately he had even left the city and had later on has had his education at a school somewhere in the hills.
"He arrived once again to Kattankudy armed with an Arab certificate. After that he was involved in religious teachings. Because he was a good speaker, a large crowd of people happened to rock round him. He was able to get a group of about 300 followers around him", Zabeel further says.
There were complaints against Hasheem one after the other. Whatever it is, police as well as Department of Muslim Religious Affairs kept receiving these accusations in connection with these activities of his in the year 2017. Simultaneously Hasheem disappeared from Kattankudy. Some people believe that he would have got an opportunity to engage in such teachings in overseas countries too with the publicity he gained from his religious teachings.
Subsequently, Saharan Hasheem comes into the light with the incident of destroying a number of Buddha statues in Kegalle district last December. Further investigations were launched in that connection when explosives, detonators and documents relating to extremism were found in a coconut estate in Puttalam last January. After Saharan's death, leadership of thawheed jamad has been bestowed on a 33 year old person by the name of Thawfeek, a moulavi. Whatever it is, Sri Lanka intelligence units say that they suspect that sometimes Saharan Hasheem maybe in hiding by now without having got involved in these series of bomb attacks. Further inquiries in that connection are underway.