Niqab - Burka, banned ...
face covering identity, taboo in Sri Lanka

Niqab - Burka, banned ...
All face-coverings obstructing identity of the public would be banned in Sri Lanka, President's information unit has released an announcement. It is informed that this decision was hastily taken by implementing emergency powers of President.
This decision of covering the face which is the criterion of one's identity has caused problems in the face of present security and this decision has been arrived at this decision. Under these circumstances
Muslim clothing which covers the face in the form of the Niqab and burka will be banned.
Muslim clothing which covers the face in the form of the Niqab and burka will be banned.
By dressing in Muslim female clothing which covers the face, opportunities have been created to carry out various undue activities in Sri Lanka for a period of time. Media secretary of All Island Jammaiyyuthul Ulama organisation, Mr. Ashek Fazil Farook has sanctioned permission to remove the Niqab (part which covers the whole face) which Muslim females use to cover their face when going out of the house.
A request has been made from Islam females to dress in clothes stitched in other colours instead of black-colored clothes worn by Muslim females. Apart from this, several Muslim ministers and MPs have informed that making this change in clothes is not an issue to Muslim public and it has been pointed out in the process that if covering the face is forced by the husband, in such a case Muslim females are provided the opportunity of going before the law. By now this dress has been banned totally or partially in a number of countries in Europe.