Retired police officer who gave call asking why copper factory workers are raided ... a friend of Imran
When police were going into action to raid a copper factory belonging to Insham Ahamad the latter of whom was linked to investigations relating to series of bomb blasts, a retired police officer had dialled Wellampitiya police station and queried "Why do you want to raid it? Did you find anything there ... nothing isn't it"? Such questions were asked with unnecessary intrusion and the
ministry of defence has advised criminal investigation department to carry out an inquiry immediately.
ministry of defence has advised criminal investigation department to carry out an inquiry immediately.
This person who is supposed to be a former officer of the intelligence service taking interest to protect workers of the copper factory poses a question and the reason for it is to be found out. The retired police officer concerned is someone who has maintained close relationships with Imran Hadji who presently is in custody. This mediation has come to be known after Wellampitiya police officers complained to police headquarters about this.
In respect of bail granted by court to the nine workers of the copper factory, suspicion has now been targeted not at court bu in relation to police officers who forwarded evidence to court in a manner that they be granted bail. In respect of this matter, it is reported that acting director inclusive of three officers of Colombo crime division have been questioned for a period close upon eight hours. When much evidence has been secured that the workers are connected to creating bombs and spying, they have been released on bail.