Katuwapitiya bomber ... someone who got 9 A's at O/L
Police who are conducting inquiries on Achchi Mohammadu Hasthun whe exploded a bomb inside St. Sebastian's Church in Katuwapitiya, Negombo by killing over a hundred people have been able to find a host of information. A team of policemen were able to uncover a house day before yesterday (1) in Dalupotha, Kochchikade, Negombo where he has taken lodging. The house concerned, belongs to a Sri Lankan lady employed in Italy. It was revealed from investigations that
Hasthun had been residing in this house with two floors from the month of September, last year.
Hasthun had been residing in this house with two floors from the month of September, last year.
The lady-owner of this house had been employed for a number of years in Italy and she has transferred the house through a power of attorney document to her mother and was thus given to one Latheef Mohhamad Harpy living in Tsunami camp houses in Nil Adiya area in Puttalam on a monthly rental basis and has acquired a sum of about 2 lakhs which Latheef has paid to the mother of the owner of the house. Latheef who thus obtained the house on rent had finished the lease agreement which was finalised by this bomber Hasthun.
This person called Latheef is not to be found by now. Investigations are underway to ascertain whether it is this Latheef clad in a red-coloured tee-shirt who spied around near the church at the moment the bomb went off. On the other hand, Achchi Mohammadu the bomber had been walking here and there near the church and at the moment when the sermon was coming to a close and the thanksgiving speech was drawing nigh, has entered the church through the middle door with the bomb attached to his bag.
Entering this way is beyond procedures or traditions of the church, nobody came forward to prevent him from doing so. Finally, having come to the midst of the congregation, he has lifted his bag and activated the bomb; thus finishing off the lives of a large number of people.
Police have focused attention on examination results under this suspect's name during inquiries about him. It was revealed that he had got through his ordinary level with 9 A's and has sat for his A/L later in Science subjects, pursuing the subject of Chemistry.