Engineer-lover clad in burka who goes to visit lover ... gets beaten at Hendala!
A relative son of a high-ranking officer clad in a burka worn by Muslim ladies had been at a hotel last night (23) in Wattala, Hendala on which occasion he was found out and given a beating by employees of the hotel and subsequently handed over to Wattala police, higher ups of police sources say.
A senior police officer said that this person is a resident of Kandy and is an Engineer. This young
man has disguised himself in this manner with the motive of visiting the girl who is supposed to be his girl friend.This young man has told police in his confession that as parents of the girl concerned were not in favour of his alliance with her and for that reason because he was not able to have a confrontation with his lover for some time, he has struck up this strategy of appearing as a Muslim friend of the girl to meet the girl.
man has disguised himself in this manner with the motive of visiting the girl who is supposed to be his girl friend.This young man has told police in his confession that as parents of the girl concerned were not in favour of his alliance with her and for that reason because he was not able to have a confrontation with his lover for some time, he has struck up this strategy of appearing as a Muslim friend of the girl to meet the girl.