Customs officer too involved in making blue diamond disappear from Sri Lanka into hands of Madush!
Police sources say that a customs officer has taken part in the deal of helping the blue diamond worth over Rs. 700 crores and stack of other gems robbed from a gem dealer in Erawwala, Pannipitiya by coming under guise of police ultimately being whisked away from the island as revealed at investigations.
It was reported that the photograph and videos of the said customs officer too was detected in the mobile phones of suspects, it was revealed at investigations. Police sources thus say that the robbed
blue diamond and stack of gems have been sent out of this country to Makandure Madush in Dubai with the aid of the connivance of several others. Photos and video footage secured from Imo technology in the mobile phone of suspect, 57 year old Ravindra Nalaka Ranasingha alias 'Loku aiyya' who was taken into custody by Mirihana Special Crimes Operations Unit in connection with this robbery have now been exposed.
The third suspect Kasun Dhananjaya alias 'Wedikande Kasun' who was arrested day before yesterday (19) in Wedikanda, Hunupitiya by Mirihana Special Crimes operations Unit has revealed important information with regard to the robbery of the diamond concerned.
(Nimanthi Ranasingha)