"Basil Rajapaksa gave 1,100 lakhs to build Malwana house!" -- Architect gives evidence
The court case filed for misappropriation of public funds by purchasing a property of 16 acres bordering Kelani Ganga, Malwana, Dompe and thus erecting a mansion equipped with a bathing pool and a dairy farm is in process was heard last week in the process of which Muditha Upali Jayakody, architect giving evidence made a special revelation. Both Basil and Nadesan, the defence party too were present in court for the case filed at Gampaha High Court by Attorney
General against former Minister Basil Rajapaksa and Thirukumaran Nadesan.
Government Deputy Solicitor General, Mr. Thusith Mudalige appeared on behalf of the plaintiff and it was stated that the estimate of the house, the swimming pool and all other property constructed on this large land extending to 16 acres, 1 rood and 8 perches runs into a government estimate of Rs. 20 crores and eighty lakhs. Following are the questions posed by Deputy Solicitor General at commencement of the case from Architect, Upali Jayakody and replies given areas follows:
G.D.S.General: When was the first foundation stone laid to construct the referred to house in Malwana?
Evidence by Muditha Upali Jayakody: February 10th, 2013
G.D.S.General: Did first defence Basil Rajapaksa's wife attend laying of this foundation ceremony?
Evidence: Yes ... Mrs. Pushpa Rajapaksa was present.
G.D.S.General: If photographs referring to the land and house relevant to the case is shown, can you identify them? (An album containing 17 photographs are shown).
Evidence: Can identify. Identifies gate leading to Malwana garden, coconut estate, photos of house taken from various angles, gym, swimming pool, how cattle are found in the property.
G.D.S.General: What is the contribution made towards obtaining electricity to this property?
Evidence: I handed a photocopy of the deed relevant to the property to Upul Kumara Ramawickrema. It was the contractor who filled the form to request for electricity as the applicant.
G.D.S.General: Do you know Astrologer Sumanadasa Abeyagoonawardena? Have you met him?
Evidence: I know. I have met Mr. Sumanadasa in the instance when a house was being erected in Matara, the day the first foundation stone was laid for the office of Gampaha D.A. Rajapaksa Foundation and the day when the first stone was laid for the house in Malwana land.
G.D.S.General: Who drew the plan to build the house in Malwana property?
Evidence: I drew the plan.
G.D.S.General: Did you get the housing plan approved from the municipal council or provincial council?
Evidence: After drawing the plan I went to Mr. Basil's office and gave the plan to a person there to be approved by the provincial council. I do not know the person who accepted my plan. Later I was informed by telephone that it was approved by provincial council. I sent a person to the provincial council and got down the approved plan.
G.D.S.General: Was the contract given to build the house?
Evidence: Yes. I handed over the contract to a firm to build the house, installation of windows and doors etc, roofing and for swimming pool. Though workers had no place to remain, some workers stayed back. Various construction work was carried on till the middle of the year 2015.
G.D.S.General: About what percentage in building the house was over by November, 2014? What was the expenditure incurred?
Evidence: About 80% was constructed. About Rs. 100,110 million (1000 - 1100 lakhs) was spent. Mr. Basil gave that money.
G.D.S.General: After laying the foundation stone, did first defence Basil Rajapaksa's wife go with you to the place where the house was being built?
Evidence: Mrs. Pushpa did not go with me. Mrs. Pushpa went about twice to this place where the house was being built and gave instructions to the contractors.
G.D.S.General: Apart from the office premises, have you discussed matters relevant to the house under reference anywhere else?
Evidence: Discussions have taken place at his home behind Sri Lanka Sri Lanka, Bank of Ceylon. I do not know whether it is an official residence. I met Mrs. Pushpa Rajapaksa in that house. Mr. Basil provided instructions in connection with building the house on the instance when making preliminary stages of the plan.
D.G.S.General: In what manner did you get funds for building the house?
Evidence: From time to time I got money from various people. They came and gave money when I was in office or home. I do not the people who gave the money. Before the person who comes bringing the money ... Mr. Basil would call me and tell me.
Witness who gave additional evidence: Second defence Mr. Nadesan got connected to me only the property was bought. Mr. Nadesan did not associated with me in connection with building the house. After the Presidential election of 2015 Mr. Nadesan called me. He said that he was not aware that a house was being built in the land that Mr. Nadesan bought. Mr. Basil at that time was abroad. Mr. Nadesan used to call me time and again and ask how a house was built in his land ... how the plan was passed and thus kept on pressurizing me. He forced me to buy the land. He scolded Mr. Basil and Mrs. Pushpa to no end. He said that he wants to quit ownership of the land and said that either Basil or I should take ownership. He said that since Basil is abroad, that I should take responsibility of ownership of the land. He said that he will file legal action for having entered his premises without any legal sanction and building a house. Later Mr. Nadesan took me to a lawyer and that was on January 14th, 15th, 16th in the year 2015. In the meantime, first defence Mr. Basil spoke from overseas.
I could not meet the first defence because he was abroad. Subsequently, the Malwana land was written in the name of my company. Mr. Nadesan said that he wants the money by cheque issued by the company, and not money. I had money which Mr. Basil had given me. Therefore I took a loan from my fixed deposit and gave a cheque of 40 million, to Mr. Nadesan. Mr. Basil told me to finish work in the malwana house and for me to settle the bank credit from the funds given me.
G.D.S.General: Did you give a statement to Pugoda Magistrate relevant to this court case?
Witness: Yes.
G.D.S.General: Can you tell the reason why you gave a statement to the magistrate?
Witness: A land from Matara was bought for Mr. Basil's wife's younger sister. I took prominence in that matter. Because of an issue in that land, I was taken into custody and was jailed. When I was in prison, I decided that I will free myself from attachments of others. That is why I gave a statement in the presence of Pugoda Magistrate.
Hearing of this case was fixed for July 9th and 12th.