Sri Lankan who robs E-Bay items in post ... expelled from Australia!

Sri Lankan who robs E-Bay items in post ... expelled from Australia!

Sri Lankan who robs E-Bay items in post ... expelled from Australia!

A Sri Lankan who was convicted in a court case heard recently in Queensland, Australia was subjected to a large fine and was also was asked to leave the country. 

He was punished in this case for having robbed valuable articles sent by people to be distributed through post. There were public complaints that parcels at Toowoomba postal distributing centre
were disappearing for a period of time where he was serving. 

A clandestine internal inquiry conducted in this respect revealed the Sri Lankan's robbery. Public complaints were received that parcels ordered across post from agents of E-Bay and Amazon in that country had not been delivered. This suspect was assigned the duty of distribution of the parcels all of which had gone missing from the place where he was expected to distribute, it was revealed. 

Investigations were carried out on the event of Christmas gifts on behalf of past 2018 Christmas being not delivered. What was uncovered in that instance was that certain electronic items and mobile phones were found in his vehicle and home too. After these investigations, a case was filed against him in court and in that instance it was revealed that this Sri Lankan is a Tamil national by the name of Pradeepan Loganathan of 29 years. It came to be known at the court hearing that he had gone to Australia by boat in the year 2012 and is a person living in this country on refugee visa. 

Court has estimated the total value of the robbed articles as 5187 Australian dollars (about 670000 in Sri Lankan rupees). After the crime was revealed with accompanying evidence, court ordered him to settle the total value of the items and apart from that a fine of Australian dollars 500 was imposed on him in addition to his visa being invalidated. As such he was asked to leave the country and was thus expelled to Sri Lanka. 

Though the lady lawyer who appeared on his behalf made an attempt in court to prevent him from being expelled, it was in vain. This incident was published in Australian media as well as in international news websites by now and it has brought disgrace as well to Sri Lankans living in Australia. 

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