Ranjan's video of contempt of court ... missing from Sirasa

Ranjan's video of contempt of court ...  missing from Sirasa
Ranjan's video of contempt of court ... missing from Sirasa

The court case of contempt of court against Minister of State Ranjan Ramanayaka was taken in for hearing by a bench of judges comprising Mesrs. Sisira de Abrew, Prasanna Jayawardena and Vijith Malalgoda of Supreme Court. News director of News First Mr. Gayan Sampath of Sirasa who gave evidence directions of Additional Solicitor General and President's Counsel, Mr. Priyantha Nawana said: "My
media career is now about 20 years. I am a diploma-holder in Mass Communication at University of Colombo. I still am undergoing academic work in that field. News related to this incident was broadcast under my supervision. President's Counsel, Mr. M.A. Sumanthiran appeared on behalf of the state minister Mr. Ranjan Ramanayaka and witness who was cross-examined in this instance had this to say: "

* Q: Did you see the video concerned?
  R: Yes.

* Q: Did you see it more than once?
  R: Yes ... examined it several times. Usually I go through 40 or 5o0 videos as such. those are normally saved for only 7 days.

* Q: Is that a policy of the institution?
  R: It is a practically adopted procedure.

* Q: Is there a documentary policy documentation in your institution?
  R: There is a policy declaration called Jude 3 Web. It is in documentary form. Usually, news which is broadcast during the relevant period is is subjected to a rechecking by the news editorial board. We function according to that framework of policy.

* Q: Can that be produced before court?
  R: I have not brought it today. If required, it can be produced in court.

* Q: Isn't every piece of news that is broadcast is under responsibility of the news director?
  R: Yes ... every new item broadcast is the responsibility of the news director.

* Q: Isn't it a responsibility of the new director to eliminate if there was a defamatory statement in it?
  R: Yes ... if at all there is an insulting part in the news ... it will be eliminated. I am not a scholar in law. If necessary I secure legal expertise. Particularly where news of the judiciary is concerned ... i devote particular attention in such instances. It is the S.B. Dissanayaka case which I wish to draw attention to.

 Q: What action did you take where this new item is concerned?
 R: State Minister Mr. Ranjan Ramanayaka made this statement after calling          representatives of all media institutions. We believed that the public should come to know about this news. Mr. Ramanayaka in fact made this utterance for the public to know. It is the duty of the media to broadcast it to society.

* Q: When did this go on the air?
  R: On 21st August, in the year 2017.

* Q: When did you come to know that two persons had filed action against Mr. Ranjan Ramanayaka?
  R: When DVDs were requested by courts and when summons were issue t give evidence.

* Q: Didn't you come to know about this before that?
  R: No.

* Q: As soon as this legal action was filed ..,didn't the media gave a big publicity about this? Didn't you know even then?
  R: No. Normally a correspondent from our institution is posted to report proceedings in Supreme Court.I have seen Mr. Ranjan Ramanayaka coming to court on special occasions.

* Q: Is a video tape transmitted only after editing?
  R: Yes ... It is done in a manner that no harm is done to the basic meaning of the news item.

* Q: There were matters in which Mr. Ranjan Ramanayaka paised judges, in this video. Weren't such things done?
  R: It is quite sometime since this video tape was edited. I have no recollection about this. This was reported by a person called Dhananjaya Narambedda.

* Q: Can't parts removed at editing be once more restored through technology?
  R: Yes ... but right now as servers in our institution are being repaired, I do not think that it can be done.

What petitioner Mr. Sunil Perera has pointed out from his accusations is that after a discussion conducted with Prime Minister last August, state minister Mr. Ranjan Ramanayaka who subsequently came out has addressed the media identifying the majority of judges and attorneys at law in this country as corrupt people. The case was postponed till tomorrow (30).

-- Ranjan Katugampola / Thilini de Silva

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