'Shark' detected across Afghan who operated Colpetty narcotics transaction

'Shark' detected across Afghan who operated Colpetty narcotics transaction

'Shark' detected across Afghan who operated Colpetty narcotics transaction

The foreign nationals and the crowd who were taken into custody in connection with the narcotics operation carried out within a housing complex in Colpetty after the police raided the spot were produced before Fort Magistrate Court yesterday and it was possible to obtain detention orders for them. What police said was after the suspects are so detained and interrogated, they will be produced before courts. 

The Afghan national arrested in connection with this narcotics operation is a frontline narcotics
dealer, it had been confirmed. Police further said that it is suspected that a large stock of narcotics maybe in possession of of this suspect. It was revealed that it is this suspect Afghan who on a number of previous occasions has given narcotics to suspects who were arrested in this country. Police said that the two Americans who provided transport to the buyers of the narcotics were compensated with over a lakh of rupees for their effort, as revealed at investigations. Police have expressed confidence that after tracking the network of these people they would be able to identify the 'sharks' who bring narcotics to Sri Lanka in future.

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