Lady bites police officer's shoulder ... because traffic police stopped her!

Lady bites police officer's shoulder ...
because traffic police stopped her!

Sometime back a lady who got caught to traffic policemen her licence was confiscated and as a result the lady concerned took the police officer's helmet in anger and this incident created an uproar in the internet as a result. Some days back an incident somewhat similar to that transpired in Moneragala, it was reported. 

In this instance the said lady who has tried to disappear after biting the shoulder of a police officer
and causing hurt in the process after disturbing duties of police officers and her husband were taken into police custody.

According to police, the incident is as follows. Sandaruwan (78131) and Wijeyratna the two police constables attached to Moneragala Police traffic division were engaged in duties related to inspection of vehicles in front of Jayasengama along Moneragala - Wellawaya route. A sign was given to a cab that had been travelling from the direction of Moneragala at about 5.45 in the evening. However the vehicle has sped non-stop. These two police officers who then pursued the vehicle on their service motor bicycle have managed to block the road and stop the cab concerned. 

The police officers had told the driver that he had driven the cab by violating traffic rules and that he is liable for a traffic fine document. At that moment the driver has tried to start the vehicle and eat a retreat when one of the police officers had got into the cab. The wife of the driver has then proceeded to bite the shoulder of the police officer and the cab had gone ahead. Subsequently the police officers had taken the cab, its driver, the wife and the three children who was inside into custody. 

The police constable Sandaruwan (78131) of Moneragala Police traffic division who sustained injury for having been bitten by the suspect is by now under treatment at Moneragala District General Hospital. The cab driver living down Kandy Road, Uhana, Amparai and his wife were yesterday (30) are expected to be produced before Moneragala Magistrate Court. Moneragala Police officer in charge, Mr. Wehitha Deshapriya conducts investigations in this connection.

- Badalkumbura, Ravindu Gunathilleka -   
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