Stories published that Mahinda joined "Pohottuwa" ... a fib?

Stories published that Mahinda joined "Pohottuwa" ... a fib?

Stories published that Mahinda joined "Pohottuwa" ... a fib?

After the defeat of the Presidential election of 2015, Mahinda Rajapaksa contested on behalf of Kurunegala district as a candidate of amember of parliament under the UNFA. However, at a later stage there was a clear division as SLFP Maithri faction and Mahinda's United Opposition. It was the United Opposition group which held a meeting as 'Mahinda sulanga' all over the country and those who broke away from the SLFP, those who were not of the NFF and Pivithuru Hela Urumaya too
joined on this occasion. Those who so joined in this manner kept away from the SLFP meeting conducted by Maithri - Mahinda and neither did they accept any positions nor were present in conferences. Though they were identified as 'United Opposition' by name only, suc a party was not registered as such. Speeches against Maithripala and SLFP were seen at those rallies and when moving past the Darley Road headquarters, it was reported by media that those supporters were observed hooting and making fun of. 

It was by using the names of two who were not members of parliament, Basil Rajapaksa and G.L.Peiris who incidentally were pioneers of Sri Lanka Podu Jana Peramuna with 'Pohottuwa' symbol by targetting the elections. Its objective was the necessity of another registered party for the purpose of ascertaining public approval as an alternative in SLFP not gaining a favourable stand on the basis of Maithri having continuous misunderstandings with Mahinda. 

In the last mini elections the Sri Lanka Podu Jana Peramuna separately and SLFP separately contested and Mahinda's support went to 'Pohottuwa' and not to the SLFP. Mahinda who was not an official member of it and the United Opposition strategically refrained from acquiring its membership. The reason for this was according to the SLFP constitution, if enrolled as a member of a different party and was holding an SLFP membership in parliament ... it would automatically get invalidated. 

This party did not think that when parliament was dissolved by Maithripala Sirisena last November 9th, it would turn out to be an unauthorised dissolution. Therefore, a fear about an SLFP membership of parliament becoming invalid in the process was eradicated after dissolution of parliament. When two days after that 54 of the SLFP including Mahinda enlisted as members of Sri Lanka Podu Jana Peramuna on the 11th itself. It appeared in Mahinda's and Namal's Twitter messages while relevant photos and descriptions were broadcast across all media. Namal had in fact publicised a photo of his 'Pohottuwa' membership card. 

Thus, there were criticisms that Maithri and some others had abandoned the party and made the party bankrupt and had gone away after forming a new party. Whatever it is, with the judgement of court on DEcember 13th, exactly a month later those matters turned upside down. When courts decided that the dissolution was against the law, the parliament once again became active with old parliament-memberships of those involved. It was here that problems began to spring up. Those who had pre-planned to abandon the party after dissolution of parliament, fell into a trap because it did not happen so. 

In any case, since these are internal conflicts between two parties and President Maithripala including his administration are now not in a state where opposition is brewing, there will not be negative repercussions on Mahinda or other members; this then is not an obstacle for Mahinda to grab the title of Opposition leader. Mahinda of course is not in 'Pohottuwa' -- Response given by Mahindananda, from below and Namal's Twitter messages together with newspaper reports, below that   

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