Today's parliamentary session ... 5 minutes!

Today's parliamentary session ... 5 minutes!

Today's parliamentary session ... 5 minutes!

Today parliament was reopened and adjourned after 5 minutes till next 23rd. This action was so taken because there is an opportunity and time for select committees to assemble within the course of this week. 

This assembly was held under leadership of Deputy Speaker Ananda Kumarasiri while Speaker Karu Jayasuriya did not turn up today. Access to the parliament gallery has been made taboo today. Though
it was proposed to bring a no faith motion before commencement of parliament at the party leaders' gathering today, the government totally opposed it. 

 As it was thoroughly insisted that a formal procedure be adopted, it was proposed that a select committee be appointed leaving 5 days for the no faith motion. Relevant matters would go into action within the next few days. Both government and the Opposition were present in parliament today.

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