"I divorce my husband ... on behalf of President! -- Geetha says ... sobbing

"I divorce my husband  ...   on behalf of President! -- Geetha says ... sobbing
"I divorce my husband  ... 
on behalf of President! -- Geetha says ... sobbing

Well-known actress and former member of parliament Mrs. Geetha Kumarasingha participated in a media briefing of the Nidahas Kala Sandanaya yesterday (18) and while sobbing said that she is getting this divorce for the people. Former parliament member Mrs. Geetha Kumarasingha says that she has taken the decision on behalf of people of Galle District and
that she removed her citizenship in Switzerland as well as the dual citizenship  and therefore she has had to end her wedded life of 37 years. She also said that it was the most difficult decision she had to take and that she would be signing her papers for divorce on 26th this month.  

Whatever it is, it was reported that Geetha Kumarasingha's marriage had gone on the rocks a good period of time and that she had not lived with her husband for over a decade! What she further said at yesterday's media briefing was that not only she who regrets about a person like Piyasena Gamage who has no self-respect entering parliament, but even the people of the whole district of Galle. She thus began to express her grief in sobs of tears. It was also mentioned that documents that she has ended her married life and documents that her Swiss citizenship was removed would be handed over to Elections Commissioner today and that she will be contesting at the next election.
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