Alliance with over 10 lakhs from Diamond symbol ... UNP making future plans for future election

Alliance with over 10 lakhs from Diamond symbol ...  UNP making future plans for future election
Alliance with over 10 lakhs from Diamond symbol ...
UNP making future plans for future election

A problematic situation has arisen these days about a Prime Minister being chosen and since an election is on the cards rather soon, in that situation a campaign has already begun to defeat Mahinda Rajapaksa and his group and to throw in a common candidate and also bringing on a wide scaled alliance in the process, political sources reveal.

As reported, already at present 10 leading parties have given their consent and have already
registered themselves in this connection. Discussions with UNP, Jathika Hela Urumaya, Sri Lanka Muslim Congress, All Ceylon Makkal Congress, TPA and other parties have turned out to be a success, A group of SLFP supporters of Chandrika Cumaranatunga too have expressed their consent to join in, it is reported. In the same way, just as much support was extended to the common candidate in 2014, TNA and Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna may extend their support in this connection, it is expected.

It has been decided to use the diamond as the symbol of the new party. Former minister of the UNP made a visit to the maha nayaka theros in Kandy yesterday (20) and what he stated in the presence of the media is that a common candidate would be nominated by UNP for the future Presidential Election and that it would be a middle aged person.

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