Damith Asanka supposed to have covered himself with monk's robe ... after having taken drugs
Popular singer Damith Asanka was remanded because of complaints from neighbours about the commotion he had created in his Wellawaya home.
According to fresh reports we have received in this connection with the incident under reference, the villagers have made various types of comments relevant to this singer Damith Asanka. It was learned that even prior to the said incident, Damith Asanka has been seriously addicted to illegal drugs and
has made a mess of his own life and that of other people in the area.
What the villagers said was that he had for sometime been addicted to drugs and was a person who squandered his earnings made as a singer and at a later stage it turned out to be that it was this very same reason which provoked him to put an end to his field of music too.
In fact, about two decades before, he had actually become a popular figure because of singing fast numbers of the new generation. In that period of time the stage could not exist without him because of his popular songs such as 'Mata dunna duk ginna', 'Mage hitha gaawa', 'Anantha prema loke', 'Me anantha rathriye', and 'Sitha mage'. Whatever it is, because of his addiction he had put an end to his new creations and a short time before this he had bade goodbye to the stage too.
He had once told the media that he is disgusted of life and for that reason he would be be diverting himself towards teachings of Lord Buddha. Having had a conflict with his home people some days back recently had subsequently approached a temple and had told a monk there about his desire to be ordained. The thero having pacified him after understanding his mentally deranged nature had gone on to advise him at which point Damith Asanka has grabbed the robe of a monk there and had proceeded to deliver a sermon all alone displaying a mentally distorted manner of behaviour. On that occasion the thero had taken steps to inform Damith Asanka's home people and villagers of this incident.
Though his relatives had arrived there and made an effort to bring him under control, he had continued to be even boisterous. Thus he was later been bodily carried by his own kith and kin as well as neighbours and finally handed over to police. According to complaints that Damith Asanka was suffering from a sort of mental abberation, the courts have already called for an inquiry report and directed him to remand custody on the assumption that he would cause harm to others. He therefore has been confined to a separate cell till October 9th. Villagers have commented that a valuable life has been brought to destruction in this manner in being addicted to drugs. Damith Asanka incidentally is a father of three children and had been spending his time looking after his mother and two brothers.