K.K. Shrinath speaks about book: "Budunge rasthiyaduwa"

K.K. Shrinath speaks about book: "Budunge rasthiyaduwa"

K.K. Shrinath speaks about book: "Budunge rasthiyaduwa"

A big uproar was created recently over the social media about a book with a queer name titled "Budunge rasthiyaduwa".The book was written by a person called K.K. Shrinath Chathuranga. The said book was published by well-known speaker Upul Shantha Sannasgala's Sanhinda institution. 

It was noted on the photograph showing Shrinath's son wearing a necklace which symbolised a Catholic which photo appeared with the dedication of the book under reference which launched a dialogue and what most people criticised was the name used for the publication. A PDF copy too had
circulated across the internet and the criticism of those who read the book was that it is difficult to gauge an essence in it. Most people had in fact made a criticism that the said name has been used to 'market a book' in September, the literary month and opinions were expressed that it had indeed been a successful strategy. 

Whatever it is, some others have expressed with regret that an illicit attempt has been made for purposes of marketing a book on the grounds of utilising Buddha's respect and honour. 'Budunge rasthiyaduwa' book about which this dialogue came into force wasspoken about by its author K.K. Shrinath Chathuranga in this manner:

* Why did you used the title 'Budunge rasthoyaduwa' for this book?
   Nobody had used that title for a book before this. I have an objective about the plot of my book. The book should have a link from the beginning, its middle and the end. When I was searching for it, I felt that the best name suited for this is 'Budunge rasthiyaduwa'. It is stated in the book that wanderings and going here and there. 

* Then why didn't this book the wanderings of the Siduhath?
   Interpretation for the word 'rasthiyaduwa' is absolutely personal. Every one of us has several types of ideas. What I infer by 'rasthiyaduwa' is wandering for the purpose of a specific objective. Saying 'rasthiyadukaraya' is too violent. In some stages even girls love Bohemian characters. The philosophy of the Bohemian is the point that they would not stick to one place. 

* Do you speak about the Buddha dhamma only through 'Budunge rasthiyaduwa'?
   This is a fiction. A person may think that this is a rationalistic novel. Another person may think this book as a different other type of creation. When I wrote this book I did not give thought to the point whether this is magic, rationalistic, post modernised or some other thing. My intention was to make an effort to make this a creative piece of art. 

* What do you think of the responses you are getting now?
   I am satisfied with it because everybody is making an effort to read the book even to reprimand me. It is not an easy thing to promote society to a reading public level. When reading a book we all have to be in a reading posture. There should be every type of reading. There also should be those who sling mud at me and those who scold me in filth. When writing a book through such experiences by all the while living in this society, one can learn through those experiences. Sometimes if somebody comes and kills me; there is something to be learned from that also. Even if I can't, at least the others will be able to learn something from what happened to me. 

* Shrinath ... what is the core essence that you wish to bring to the reader?
  We have gone wrong somewhere and understanding that we have gone wrong in some way is understanding itself. But then it is something senseless. We all have only just an inkling of a feeling about that complexity  and we don't know what exactly it is. Just as much as antibodies are released to fight harmful germs ... I try to detect where that wrong point is. I think and believe that I would be able to get close to that point at  any moment. 

Discussion: Thiwanka Vishwanath Jayasekera
Photographs: Sehan Kavinda 

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