Lewis Singho who climbs coconut tree ... ends up dying on top of tree

 Lewis Singho who climbs coconut tree ... ends up dying on top of tree

Lewis Singho who climbs coconut tree ... ends up dying on top of tree

An incident is reported from Purijjala area in Matale of a person who climbed a coconut tree to pluck coconuts was found in an unconscious state, hanging on to the tree on which occasion the neighbours had contacted 119, after which the officer-in-charge of the community police unit of Matale Police Mr. Priyantha Jayasekera
has intervened and got the person down with the aid of a rope and subsequently admitted him to Matale hospital.

W.A. Lewis Singho living in Purijjala, Matale had faced this situation when he had gone to pluck coconuts and by the time he was taken to hospital he was found dead, doctors of Matale hospital had informed the victim's relatives. On information received by police contact number 119, sub-inspector of police, Mr. Priyantha Jayasekera who too immediate action under instructions of Matale police headquarter's chief inspector of
police Mr. Chanaka de Silva had instructed people at the location to get into immediate action by getting ready with ropes, tent material, nets and after inspecting the relevant spot he had issued instructions to bring down the person hanging on the tree in the form of a swing with the support of saris tied.

Later, the neighbours were advised to keep vehicles ready at the relevant spot to dispatch the victim to Matale hospital. In the process, a son of this person had tried to climb the tree and perform a heroic deed about which the neighbours were surprised ending up talking about his act. Coverings of nets had been used at the foot of the tree for the safety of any person on top of the tree. Finally, people of Purijjala had not forgotten to offer their thanks to sub-inspector of police of Matale police, Mr. Priyantha Jayasekera and his team-mates and the entire police force. 
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