Judge Ilanchelian who took custody of sergeant's eldest daughter passes O/L with flying colours!
One incident that shocked the hearts of people in Sri Lanka was the death of a sergeant who had been providing security to Judge Mr. Ilanchelian of Jaffna High Courts dying from a sudden attack during the time he was on duty that moment and the satement he made to the effect that he would undertake the responsibility of his family, weeping on his behalf.
The Judge then went on to execute his word to the dot and immediately after that shocking incident, the deceased sergeant's eldest daughter,
Samadhi who then quickly made up her mind has by now been successful in securing high results of six As, two Bs and one Cs. Police sergeant Sarath Premachandra's daughter Samadhi Amanda is still a fifteen year old girl. Her only younger daughter is Sadev Ananda. The mother happens to be a woman constable at Chilaw police, by the name of Priyangika Kumudini. Samadhi from her childhood had attended St. Paul's Ladies College, Bambalapitiya upto the 4th class and then had switched over to Nandimithra Maha Vidyalaya of Pallama, Chilaw.
However, sergeant Sarath Hemachandra has had no fortune to stay with their children and support their education. Sergeant Hemachandra who went for police duties in the North East in 2003 had been in service in the North East till 2017. During that period he had taken steps to address his daughter as well as his son by phone during those holidays. He in particular encouraged his daughter because she was to sit for the ordinary level examination in December that year. Samadhi even by that time was preparing tirelessly for the exam. She was engaged in her studies until dawn and got up once again at four thirty in the morning. Though Sarath and Priyanka tried their best to send Samadhi for all subjects, Samadhi on the other hand chose only classes offering three subjects. Those who were aware of her abilities expected nine 'A's from Samadhi. Month by month, December exams closed in. Before August, 2017 the term test was being held. She was getting marks after writing for three or four subjects. Samadhi began to talk about those good marks with her mother as well as her father over the phone.
At a moment when providing security to High Court Judge Manikkavasagar Ilangachelian, having been attached to Jaffna police, a certain thug who stormed into the official vehicle of the judge unanticipatedly while the sergeant was on duty for the judge on the 23rd grabbed the pistol of the sergeant and in the process a bullet had pierced through his chest; thus making him drop down. The next bullet had been aimed at the judge at which moment the other police officer had umped in front with the intention of rescuing the judge. But though the judge was unharmed from that shot, the hand of the police officer who thus tried to cover the judge received the bullet on his arm.
In the month of June in the year 2017 what Samadhi came to hear of was a message that blew away all her dreams. The news was that her beloved father had left the world. From that point onwards it was as Samadhi's life, mind and thoughts ... turned upside down. It is Samadhi's mother who speaks about it: "Losing my husband is like a dream that day as well as today. At the time husband passed away, daughter had just exactly 6 months for her exam. As soon as her father passed away she became a different child. The first change was that she became a silent child. Then, she lost her desire to study. She showed an indifference in going to school and said that she does not want to attend classes. She never even took a book to her hand. Daughter said something like ...that without father there was no point in passing her exam. I tried to make her understand that her dead father would be watching from somewhere. In any case I carried out her father's wishes somehow or the other.
with this set up, after High Court sir took responsibility of the two children, High Court sir also explained things to daughter. Daughter went to school. The teachers did not realise a big difference as such in our daughter who went to school without much interest or zeal. It is because she possessed an inborn capability in her. I encouraged daughter with her studies as before. I woke up with daughter and waited by her side until she finished studying. When I was constantly by her side, she appeared to take a little bit of interest. But it was however not with that sense of dedication that daughter carry on her studies. She of course totally refused to go for classes. Those days she used to go for classes by bus. After that High Court sir also said and then she was escorted in a three-wheeler for the classes. All those three classes daughter got free of gratis. Isuru sir, Hemantha, Akila and Jeevan sirs who taught daughter told her always 'you can get nine 'A's ... try somehow or other and get nine 'A's. Daughter listened to what those sirs said. Though she did not display or say about it; the death of her father had nevertheless created a big impact on her. She never spoke of the loss of her father after that. She did not even like us talking either. Each day that High Court sir would would go home from Jaffna ... he would come and see the children and speak a few words and go. He would also spend for the children. They gave ear to what that sir would say.
When she came to know that she had got results of six 'A's, two 'B's and one 'C', she told me only one thing about those results. "If father was there I could have got nine 'A's. that was nothing which daughter only thought but what came to my mind also. But still I am happy that even with sorrow about father in the heart ... my daughter passed to this extent. To tell the truth, daughter who had no interest in studies even with the absence of father passing to this level was something that I never thought of. She follows the advanced level in commerce.
Priyangika spoke of her daughter's results with mixed feelings of both happiness and sadness. Samadhi who silently bore the loss of her father whose life was grabbed by devillish people ultimately was victorious at the exam. This is what she says: "Father had a big desire to see me passing the exam. But then when I realised that father is no more to witness my exam results, I wondered why I study. I kept thinking, even though I passed, father is not there to see the results, no. Then the thought that I never can study came into my mind. But mother and High Court sir also told me to pass somehowor other. My only hope is to do the advanced level and become an accountant".