Trump tells NASA to send a man once again to the moon

 Trump tells NASA to send a man once again to the moon

Trump tells NASA to send a man once again to the moon

American President has instructed NASA to arrange a man to be sent to the moon once again. The White House has informed that that matter should be arranged with the objective of setting the stage of sending a man to Mars. This announcement is made by White House spokesman Hogan

It was in July 1969 that a man set foot on the moon for the first time and that was Neil Armstrong. After him it was Edwin Aldrich who landed on the moon. They travelled with Apollo 11 in operation. 2 other astronauts each have landed on the moon by Apollo 12, Apollo 14, Apollo 15, Apollo 16 and Apollo 17. However, the launch of Apollo 13 was a failure and thus it had to return. It was in the year 1972 that a man set foot on the moon for the last time. After that no man had landed on the moon. It is of interest to note that all 12 persons who set foot on the moon, according to history, are Americans.   
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