Awkana Buddha statue in danger ... because of newly-constructed roof!

 Awkana Buddha statue in danger ... because of newly-constructed roof!

Awkana Buddha statue in danger ... because of newly-constructed roof!

Because of the roof constructed from iron sheets in the year 2015 to give shelter to the world-renown Buddha statue Awkana Buddha, a dangerous situation has arisen, it is reported. Viharadhipathi of Awkana Raja Maha Vihara, Shastravelliye Dhammakiththi Nahimi has
alleged that there are frequent occasions of lightning which strikes that place.

What the incumbent says is that these days there were frequent occasions of lightning observed and that a few days before this, lightning had come down on this roof and that though the President and relevant authorities were notified about this, no attention has been focused on the matter. The thero also points out that as the roof has not properly been installed, the water falling on to the roof was dropping on the compound where the Buddha statue rests.
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