Mud-slinging at Iraj for dry bananas video!
After the music video 'Denunaa' which brought upon disreputation on distinguished singer Victor Ratnayaka which video incidentally became the talk of the town some days back, objections on a large scale was targeted at its creator Iraj
Weeraratna across the social media.
2 days before this, actress Piumi Hansamali who acted a role by eating a banana at a concert in Korea was bombarded with bananas and further, a crowd in this particular Field had got together and had used somebody personifying Iraj and had created and released a music video with the motive of attacking him, it appears. This latter new video has reached number 1 status eclipsing Iraj's video which incidentally was on the top charts in Trending in YouTube in Sri Lanka upto that time. A statement (as shown below) is to be seen under the video titled Denunaa - Ft Praj & Kavisara Kodithuwakku.
'The imaginary sympathetic plot of a young boy who dismissed his shortcomings as a matter of hindrance for his development and who made this inability ... the road towards ability ... everything here is imaginary. Refrain from making this ooyya ...'