9 - 0 massive defeat in the face of India creeps into Cricket record books!
The Indian team clinched a 7 wicket victory yesterday in the 20-20 match played with Sri Lanka, thus bringing to a close the long tour. As such, India won the Test series 3-0, the one-day series 5-0 and the 20-20 match.
As such, Sri Lanka had to reach the apex in the records of the greatest defeat faced in a mother land at the hands of a touring team with 9-0. Prior to this in 2009-10 Australia
toured Pakistan and defeated Pakistan 9-0 in this manner and New Zealand in 2016-17 toured Bangla Desh and defeated that country 8-0. Much discussions of a large scale ensued of how Sri Lanka Cricket should take a right about turn in the aftermath of this colossal defeat. Special reports were published today appreciating Virat Kohli on this series of victories.