Royal College student's bluetooth switch and thumbprint gadget deception which was revealed because of Chemistry Sir's leaflets

 Royal College student's bluetooth switch and thumbprint gadget deception which was revealed because of Chemistry Sir's leaflets

Royal College student's bluetooth switch and thumbprint gadget deception which was revealed because of Chemistry Sir's leaflets

As a result of the sensational incident about the Chemistry 2nd question paper of the Advanced Level leaking out last week, the private tutor Jinendra Ranasingha was subjected to suspicion and after investigations were carried out by the CID, they were able to uncover details even going beyond the handbills related to tuition classes.This tuition sir had distributed a bogus leaflet by editing exam questions of the paper which exam had been in operation at that moment and after the
police interrogated individuals and members at the tutor's home regarding it, the tutor's brother and father were taken into custody.

What Jinendra's brother said at first was of a story that he had acquired copies of those question papers when the examination was in progress. Camera copies of exam papers were found in his Tab computer. However, when questioned at length, out came details of a sharp fraud hitherto not recorded in the history of examinations in Sri Lanka. Actually, it was from a student who was sitting for that exam that particular day from whom this tuition sir had received the Chemistry question paper. The exam fraud committed by this student in fact was of the most modern type, it could be said.

It has now been revealed that when the exam was in progress itself this student had captured the questions on camera and while still seated in the exam hall, had connected himself with the said tuition master across the internet, live, and had managed to obtain answers to those questions and thus written the answers. The student's father had paid a sum of Rs. 10 lakhs to the tuition master on behalf of the fraud and making use of the opportunity which came his way had put his hand into the handbill fraud as well, thus making a fast buck as an extra job.

How can a live connection such as this be operated to connect with the tutor while at the exam hall without anybody being aware? This student's father incidentally happens to be a doctor serving the Police Hospital and the student concerned on the other hand is studying at Colombo Royal College. That student had got down Jinendra Ranasingha to the house and had studied Chemistry for 2 years under him, it is understood.

This student is also well-versed in Information Technology. He is also someone who produces short films and one of his creations was even acclaimed in Canada and had also toured that country. This young boy who is equipped with modern technological gadgets had utilsed only two gadgets for the exam fraud. One gadget is a secret camera hidden in his shirt button. The gadget comprises of a button with the camera and a switch and the photos are clicked by removing the button in the shirt and after the camera is fixed, the switch is attached to the thumb of the foot and the action is finalised by touching it. Each time the switch is pressed, the button camera clicks photos and instantly uploads to a Page on Facebook.

The second gadget is a bluetooth set which is retained inside the ear. That gadget which could make connections with a mobile phone some 200 meters away could be answered by someone unknown to another person. Someone around the location is not able to detect it. To retain it most sensitively on the ear, a magnet also has to be made use of, it is said. It is also reported that this student has been trained in the manner where the said gadget is properly utilised for exam cheating acts, with the aid of Jinendra Sir ...  before going to Royal College Examinations Hall. This student who developed a live connection with the tutor being stationed at a point close to the exam hall had thus contemplated on answering the paper after the question paper was distributed; after which he was able to turn the question paper and had managed to click photos of it and when those were received by the Facebook, the tutor who was remaining at the doctor's house in Borella had got hold of them ... instantly speaking and providing the answers. As it is difficult for the student to speak in those circumstances; for responses such as 'didn't hear', ... 'repeat' he has undergone a training to make signals through tiny sounds. As reported, the said student has maintained connections with this tutor in the case of the Chemistry First Paper and investigations are being conducted.

The doctor-father who aided and abetted manipulating this sharp exam fraud has been remanded. 10 lakhs have been paid to Jinendra Ranasingha by the doctor-father to commit this trickery and Jinendra who brought the money home, after coming to know that tables have turned upside down has by now vanished from his home. He has taken with him about 20000 from the total amount and left 980000 in the house and the brother has taken measures to hand over that money to the police. The brother has admitted that when the exam fraud was in operation the photo related to the leaflet, he mentions, he was told would be sent to his Tab and that after about 45 minutes later those were sent to him. All work connected to the printing and distribution was done by him. In any case the Educations Department says that the Royal College student would be penalised from appearing at examinations for 5 years because of this examination fraud. He further said that in future legal action would be taken against those who are found involved in exam frauds of this nature. by using gadgets.
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