Female Member of Parliament who came to parliament dressed in Burka to say 'No' to Burka!

 Female Member of Parliament who came to parliament dressed in Burka to say 'No' to Burka!

Female Member of Parliament who came to parliament dressed in Burka to say 'No' to Burka!

Talks about Muslim Cultural protests are rampant these days in Australia. In the process, A Senator in the parliament of that country who says that Muslim females who wear Burkas should be banned from wearing it. It was Pauline Hanson, the leader of One Nation Party of that

Entering parliament with face totally covered and afterwards taking her seat there created a surprise on the faces of all MPs. What she incidentally says is that because of faces being totally covered, in future, problems could emerge in connection with the security of Australia. She drew attention to terrorist attacks which Europe and the Western world is facing in the present day. The motion she presented to parliament today was expected to be taken in for debate yesterday.

However, the Attorney General of that country has looked down upon the MPs action and reminded that implementing such a ban cannot be put into action according to Australian multi-cultural State Policy. He also drew attention to the fact that there are close upon half a million Muslim nationals living in Australia. This action taken in parliament by her was marked as the headline in Australian newspapers today. 

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