Shooting Iran parliament and Khomeini's tomb -- 2 dead

 Shooting Iran parliament and Khomeini's tomb -- 2 dead
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Shooting Iran parliament and Khomeini's tomb -- 2 dead

A group of armed gunmen had fired at the parliamentary complex stationed in
Iran's capital city of Teheran as well as the tomb of Ayatolla Khomeini. 3
persons have suffered injuries and a security officer had died in the shooting at the parliamentary complex. It has by now been confirmed that he had died as a result of shooting at the tomb of Khomeini. These two locations are situated 20 kilometres apart. An eye-witness has confirmed that he saw 4
persons entering parliamentary complex and that they were armed.

The religious leader Late Ayatolla Khomeini is considered to be the pioneer of modern Iran and his tomb is accepted as a holy place while an attack has been targetted there too as a warning alert to Iran, it is said. Attacks on both the parliament and the mausoleum simultaneously signify that it could have been executed on a planned-basis, it is believed.

Iran is considered as a country which strongly supports the Muslim Extremist Terrorist Group the latter of which has become a threat to the world and opinions have been observed to the effect that a group of people had carried out this attack directed by a necessity of the West as tit for tat for having opened fire and created a commotion near the parliament in London sometime back.  

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