Highways -- Higher Education Ministers were linked so that it would be possible to go to campus by walking along roads

 Highways -- Higher Education Ministers were linked so that it would be possible to go to campus by walking along roads

Highways -- Higher Education Ministers were linked so that it would be possible to go to campus by walking along roads

Minister Rajitha Senaratna was present for the media briefing in relation to the Cabinet Decision announcement on behalf of the SLFP and it was announced recently that as he was subject to criticism within the Party itself and the story that Dayasiri Jayasekera was appointed instead. But what actually had taken place was both of them were placed side by side as co-spokesmen and the meeting proceeding thereafter.

Though it was hoped that as a consequence of this difference the Cabinet media briefing would be
subjected to meaningful change, the 'entertainment' provided by both of them together at yesterday's media confrontation contributed to such hopes being shattered, political critics opined. This queer 'humour' emerged because of the response for questions posed concerning the Cabinet shuffle, by Correspondent Asam Ameen.

When asked 'why so many Ministers', Minister Rajitha once remarked that after the country was rescued from the war, since it was the prime motive of of the government to develop the country, there is no reason for not appointing a bigger number of Ministers. When it was questioned wasn't it an additional millions of money to be expended to maintain new Ministers, what Minister Dayasiri said was that in accordance with conditions of a joint government since ministerial portfolios have been reversed according to size, there are no extra Ministerial positions. Minister Rajitha also said that if at all one Minister would bring in a large investment to this country, that expenditure amounting to millions of money may sometimes be not taken into account.

When it was inquired why subjects of Foreign - Mass media both were taken in unison at a time when the Yahapalana had promised to bestow Minister portfolios in a technical perspective, at that juncture both Rajitha and Dayasiri had answered that query in a combined tone. Rajitha's response was that it was so done with the motive of securing wide propaganda for economic development handled by Finance Ministry. When the media questioned about the connection between Highways and Higher education, what Minister Rajitha Senaratna said in response was that one was 'Higher' while the other is 'Major'.  What Dayasiri Jayasekera said was that it was so done because it is necessary that to enter the campus, one must walk on the roads.

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