Installing of automated parking meters commence in Colombo
Installation of automatic machines (car park meters) being installed at locations allocated for parking space of vehicles on roads meant for purposes of paying for the time duration of parking came into operation for the first time in Sri Lanka last week. Already such meters have
been installed by the side of the road close to Galle Face.
When a vehicle is parked at the location marked P on the board allocated for parking of vehicles, the driver of the vehicle is expected to communicate with the said machine with touch card concerned in order to notify that the driver has parked the vehicle and then before departure of the vehicle the card should be inserted into the machine to signal that the driver concerned is ready to leave in his or her vehicle and in such instances he or she is issued a receipt by the machine. All registered members who possess touch cards are provided with an app for payment of the parking fee. Payment could be executed according to the eZCash system too. As such, only card owners are entitled to park their vehicles at these locations.
Tenega Car Park Private has taken prominence in amalgamating itself with the Colombo Municipality in this activity. Apart from it Dialog, Gitecna and Call Sweden Private are involved in the technical aspect of this project. 40 percent of the revenue from parking fees will be absorbed by the Municipal Council while the balance 60 percent becomes the revenue of Tenega Private Company, it is reported. Already these machines are installed near all parking points at Duplication Road and Galle Road. Later on this installation process will spread to other major roads.
The parking centre machines are found installed in a number of highly populated cities around the world and are in operation from a long period of time and thus an automatic service is in operation in which case the services of traffic wardens are not called for. Particulars about touch cards necessary for these meters and details about charges levied would be notified in the near future. Given below are some photos captured on the inaugural day