Netherlands woman sexually abused by youngster at Hungama beach

Netherlands woman sexually abused by youngster at Hungama beach

It is reported that a 26 year old youngster has been arrested for the offence of abusing a sixty one year old Netherlands national woman along the Kalametiya,Hungama beach on the 25th instant.

It is reported that when the Netherlands national was walking along the Hungama Kalametiya beach on the 24th instant at around 8.30 am the 26 year old youngster had dragged her into a corner and
abused her sexually.

The Nederlands National had complained on this matter to the Hungama police. The police had arrested the youngster who is supposed to be a drug addict as found by the police. The Nederlands national has been sent to the Hambantota hospital for a medical examination.
It is reported that the Netherlands national had arrived in Sri Lanka for a three day holiday on the 24th instant. Under the orders of the  Senior superintendent of police of the Tangalle division Dhanapala Abeywickrema and Assistant superintendent of police BMA Dissanayake the the Officer in Charge of the Hungama police inspector HBC Fernando is conducting investigations.
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