Dead body of a person who had died suddenly embalmed without examination of the inquirer into sudden deaths

 Dead body of a person who had died suddenly embalmed without examination of the inquirer into sudden deaths

Dead body of a person who had died suddenly embalmed without examination of the inquirer into sudden deaths

In a village home in Walgamwewa in Dambulla a woman had died suddenly.But an undertaker had embalmed the dead body before conducting a postmortem examination.

In this connection it is reported that a postmortem had been carried out by the related authorities and the dead body had been handed over the  legal
husband.The handing over of the dead body had been made on the 24th instant.This has been revealed by the Dambulla police.The woman had died in the Walgamwewa village dwelling on then afternoon of the 22nd Thursday suddenly.She had been 43 years old and name was one Karunawathie.
Instead of having a postmortem the inmates of the house had handed over the body to a florist.The relief grama sevaka  officer Nihal Methathanada had complained to the police on the 23rd instant.The police on the orders of a court order had instructed to have a postmortem examination.

Accordingly a postmortem examination had been conducted and the body was handed over to the husband of the deceased.
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