Love story behind halting of Badulla train ... promoting bomb scare!

 Love story behind halting of Badulla train ... promoting bomb scare!

Love story behind halting of Badulla train ... promoting bomb scare!

The police who conducted an investigation accompanied with an environment of commotion on a false call received that a suspected parcel-bomb was deposited in the night mail train which was scheduled to travel to Badulla from Fort, Colombo on the night of last 26th were able to find out that a love story was behind that call which originated.

Though the Police Special Task together with the Bomb Disposal Squad managed to disperse the passengers from the railway premises on that occasion nothing was detected and as a consequence
because of the useless and bogus telephone call there was a delay in train travel and as a result a host of passengers of several trains had to helplessly wander for about a period of two and a half hours.

It was a young girl who was the culprit in giving this anonymous telephone call to the effect that a bomb had been planted in this train. What she had said by giving the call was: "I'm also a person who came to go in this train. There are 2 suspicious characters here. I overheard them saying 'bomb in the train is okay is it? It'll go off in a short while, isn't it?' It looks like these fellows have left a bomb. Try to rescue us". The police were keen on inquiring the reason for having made such a false call. They then tracked further by investigating across the number from which the girl had called.

On inquiry it was revealed according to her explanation that the lover whom she had been associating with for sometime was a resident of Badulla and that he had changed as of late. She had further mentioned that the reason for her lover's change was the romance which he had restarted with a schoolgirl with whom he had being carrying on during schooldays and that the girl has now grown and as a result the conflict had begun with her over this subject. She added that she was not successful in making a change in him on that matter. In the meantime having searched vehemently during the past as to why he did not come to meet her it was found that he had prepared to get married this week and on the 26th night when the train-incident took place she had come to know that he was to take the train going to Badulla in view of the marriage.

As such, she had thought of reversing his mind even at the last moment and had confronted him at the railway station and had pleaded him to give up his idea of that marriage. However there had been no change in his attitude. She had then thought of something else she could do and had next dialled 119 Police Emergency Service and let out the fib about the 'bomb in the train', imagining that he would at least then put an end to his Badulla journey ... thus deriving some consolation this way either. It is in that manner that she has misused the faith of the public on the Police  for her own selfish ends. The police are currently engaged in taking legal action against the girl.
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