Legal action against Ranjan for having exposed secrets about testicles
An MP of Pivithuru Hela Urumaya called a media briefing today and mentioned for having publicly exposed private information about him and disgracing him for which he would be taking legal action against Deputy Minister Ranjan, claiming 500 million.
This is how he described about it: "On December 5th Minister Ranjan Ramanayaka had added a
video on his fan Page in the Facebook under the caption 'if one has the power of money ... comfort in prison hospital'. Apart from this the contents of the video had been expressed at a media briefing held on December 6th. I spoke to the Minister about this. What he said was that he was able to secure this information under the Right to Information Act. It's a lie. The Speaker placed his signature to the Right to Information Act on August 4th. This Act began to to take effect from then onwards after a period of 6 months, viz February 4th 2017. Under 5 (1) (a) in that Act, revealing absolutely personal information should be rejected. Medical reports fall under that category. Particularly according to the Hippocrates Oath doctors are bound not to expose personal information about patients. But Minister Ranjan expresses his opinion regarding diseases publicly in respect of each and every politician. It's an extremely anti-moralistic thing. This is a case of direct defamation to me. As such, I have instructed my lawyers to file action demanding Rs. 500 million as compensation from Minister Ranjan Ramanayaka". The story where Deputy Minister Ranjan released this sensational exposure on the Facebook Page still remains unchanged in the following manner:
video on his fan Page in the Facebook under the caption 'if one has the power of money ... comfort in prison hospital'. Apart from this the contents of the video had been expressed at a media briefing held on December 6th. I spoke to the Minister about this. What he said was that he was able to secure this information under the Right to Information Act. It's a lie. The Speaker placed his signature to the Right to Information Act on August 4th. This Act began to to take effect from then onwards after a period of 6 months, viz February 4th 2017. Under 5 (1) (a) in that Act, revealing absolutely personal information should be rejected. Medical reports fall under that category. Particularly according to the Hippocrates Oath doctors are bound not to expose personal information about patients. But Minister Ranjan expresses his opinion regarding diseases publicly in respect of each and every politician. It's an extremely anti-moralistic thing. This is a case of direct defamation to me. As such, I have instructed my lawyers to file action demanding Rs. 500 million as compensation from Minister Ranjan Ramanayaka". The story where Deputy Minister Ranjan released this sensational exposure on the Facebook Page still remains unchanged in the following manner: