Attractive mother of two in Rajagiriya who got trapped between two policemen ... becomes victim of stabbing incident!

 Attractive mother of two in Rajagiriya who got trapped between two policemen ... becomes victim of stabbing incident!

Attractive mother of two in Rajagiriya who got trapped between two policemen ... becomes victim of stabbing incident!

An incident was reported of a hulabaloo involvement where a well-to-do beautiful, rich lady from Rajagiriya had been having a liaison with 2 police officers.

A certain Sub-inspector of Homagama Police after his connection broke off had tried to retrieve the gifts he had given her and in the process had attempted to stab her, after which he has been suspended from his duties.
At the same time disciplinary action is underway against a constable too who is alleged to have had an illicit connection with her.

As reported, the incident is as follows: Before taking up duties in Panadura area he had been attached to the police station in Rajagiriya at the Crime Branch. During that period the said lady, a mother of 2 children aged 40 years had for some reason visited the police station and the connection with this police officer had commenced at that point. Later on he had made it a habit of visiting her home several times. This police officer who incidentally was 34 years old and therefore 6 years younger was also a bachelor. He had initially with the idea of building up a connection with her had brought various gifts to her home. Among the gifts were gold necklaces, watches and mobile phones too.

As time passed by the couple who were having their rendezvous at her house frequently had even gone to the extent of tasting conjugal happiness whenever the children were away from home. However, when the police officer happened to be transferred from Welikada Police to Homagama they were unable to keep their regular appointments as previously as it would otherwise hamper his official duties. In the process the lady concerned had started an illicit affair with yet another police constable. This was unknown to the first police officer and when he realised that he was being continuously avoided he had inquired about it from her on which occasion he had responded saying, "It's enough that we stayed like this ... this must be stopped".

The Sub Inspector had not shown a liking to these words. However as her statement was steadfast he had lost his temper. What he had said in return was, "In that case return all what I have given you". The lady however has just brushed aside his words. What she had on the other hand said was that those have to be recompensed for their affair.

During this hugger-mugger some days back, this officer had ambushed her at a time when she was returning home in the evening hours with the children after swimming practice and right at the moment when she arrived home in her vehicle the officer had closed upon the vehicle and had pulled her hair in the presence of her children themselves and had threatened her saying, "Give back my presents!" At that moment she had responded saying. "Okay ... come in a little while ... I'll keep them ready". So saying she had somehow or other managed to get away from his clutches and then close the door on him.

However since he could turn up at any moment in the night that day, she had spoken to the constable with whom she was carrying on and had summoned him home. It is understood that he had come in the company of a friend of his and had remained at home when just as much as it was anticipated the sub inspector had arrived in the night and had started asking for his valuable gifts. On that occasion he had come armed with a sharp knife in his hand too and at the time he had tried to harm her, one of her fingers had got cut in the process. At that moment the other officer who was hiding inside the house had come on the scene with his friend and had prevented further attack and got hold of this assailant. This illicit mess had subsequently was settled by being directed to the police. Police investigations have begun in this connection and with it the duties of these police officers have been suspended as a consequence.
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