Action filed against a three wheeler driver who refused to transport an injured woman

 Action filed against a three wheeler driver who refused to transport  an injured  woman

Action filed against a three-wheeler driver who refused to transport  an injured  woman

The Weligama police is contemplating on filing a case against a three wheeler driver who had refused to take an injured woman who was hurt in a motor cycle accident to hospital.

It is reported that a woman who was crossing the Matara-Galle old road had been hit my a motor cycle and was injured.

At that moment a police sergeant attached to the Matara police division PS S Jayalath  (30276) and
police constable J.Wijesiri (35240) who had been there had after stopping a three wheeler had requested him to take her to hospital which he had refused.

The three wheeler driver is a 24 year old and a resident of Weligama.For refusing to take the injured woman to hospital the Police inspector of the headwaters police station Milan Lasanth Buddhika has filed against the three wheeler driver in the Matara courts on the 10th instant.
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