President - Prime Minister supposed to be on a misunderstanding

President - Prime Minister supposed to be on a misunderstanding

President - Prime Minister supposed to be on a misunderstanding ... meets last night

The speech made by President Maithripala recently at the Foundation Institute was an antipathy aimed indirectly at some activities of the Premier. What circulated in political circles in the wake of this speech was that a serious misunderstanding has arisen between the two of them and that in the near future the Police and the Ministry of Law and Order would be taken into the hands of the President
and that there is an ominous sign of a revolutionary political storm of various forms thus brewing. 

As a result of such a storm in the offing, political media briefings which commenced with opinions of numerous Parties expressing their ideas are continuing even today. While all these were taking place, the President and the Prime Minister had attended the Esala Maha Perahera at Walukarama Vihara, Colpetty last night. Apparently a cordial relationship was seen at that moment and the Premier had made a comment on his Facebook Account of this meeting too. What is mentioned there is as follows: "While watching the perahera there was a meaningful and interesting conversation about the future progress of development activities of the country and political matters. Our special attention was focused on linking the Buddha Dhamma with the administration of the country while maintaining religious tranquillity". 
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