Is Kavisha's accident ... a suicide?

Is Kavisha's accident ... a suicide?

The new actress Kavisha Ayeshani's death which was the result of an accident which took place early this morning at Jubilee Post, Nugegoda was an accident involving a vehicle and was in fact the result of a case of suicide committed on purpose, as reported by now to Gossip Lanka. As reported, the root cause for this had been a conflict which occured with her lover.
Subsequent to a conflict which flared up last night with her lover supposed to be the owner of a popular resting entertainment arena in Nugegoda she had lost her temper over him and had got into the vehicle telling him "I'll knock my vehicle and die!" as was reported and exactly as she had said she had driven the vehicle a short distance away to a point between a bus and a lamp-post and had then swerved it away from the road and had made the collision, it was reported. The Nissan March type of motor vehicle driven by her had been smashed up while the rear side of the bus was damaged in this process.

Kavisha Ayeshani Hemasiri Kirindiwela who had come to Colombo from Matale with the intention of engaging herself as a tele-drama actress and model had been residing at Bogahawatta. She was 24 years old at the time of her death. The police conducting inquiries concerning the accident has taken the driver of route no. 168 into custody and he had stated that the accident took place at a time the bus had been stopped and it was then that this motor vehicle collided with the bus.

Gossip Lanka articles about the unanticipated demise of Kavisha Ayeshani:

Some photographs related to the accident, from below
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