Inquiring about Adil who had contracted fever in London because of no communication ... reveals his dead body in room

 Inquiring about Adil who had contracted fever in London because of no communication ... reveals his dead body in room

Inquiring about Adil who had contracted fever in London because of no communication ... reveals his dead body in room

The news of the sudden demise of Adil Bakeer Macar, son of former Minister Imtiaz Bakeeer Macar in London, UK put most people into a shock yesterday.

Mr. Imtiaz had his education at Ananda College, Colombo while Adil pursued his studies at Royal College. Though a Muslim by birth he had been brought up in a Buddhist environment and was
someone who was popular among everybody as a person who kept his foot firmly on this earth. Adil who was a social worker was an attorney-at-law by profession and he was engaged in activities of Tharuna Seva Sabhava in the past. His friends cannot still believe of his death.

After communicating with his home about an illness which had gripped him suddenly, it was not possible to find any information about him after that. Because of a fever, he had confined himself to his home in London and as there was no response from him from day-before-yesterday his kith and kin had checked up on him only to find that he had breathed his last in his own room. Coroners in UK are to carry out an autopsy on his body, it was reported. Some comments left by his comrades in social network media, from below 

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