Bad omen for the head chair at Bribery and Corruption Investigating Commission

Bad omen for the head chair at Bribery and Corruption Investigating Commission

Bad omen for the head chair at Bribery and Corruption Investigating Commission

It is reported that those who held the head chair in the Bribery and Corruption investigating Commission as the Director General had not been able to stick to the seat for long owing to some reason or conflict that had arisen.This has been revealed from information received from the related authorities in the commission.

The initial Bribery Commission was established on December 15th 1994. To date there had been 04 separate commissions that had functioned.W.hat is been functioned now is the 5th commission.During this period  five Director General's Nelum Gamage,Additional Solicitor General Rienzie Aresecularatne of the Attorney General's department,Piyasena Ranasinghe,Lakshmi
Jayawickrema and Dilrukshi Dias Wickremasinghe had not been able to complete to  serve the periods they were assigned to.

 After the resignation of Dilrukshi Dias Wickremasinghe a deputy director Sunethra Jayasinghe had been appointed on an acting capacity as the Director General.

It is said that after the resignations of the Director General's of the Bribery and Corruption Investigating unit the work of them had been covered by additional Director Generals which was revealed by the authorities of the Bribery and Corruption Investigating unit.
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