Sulaiman embraces death because of the most faithful employee in office!

 Sulaiman embraces death because of the most faithful employee in office!

Sulaiman embraces death because of the most faithful employee in office!

It was revealed before this that the responsibility for the abduction and murder of businessman dealing in clothes, Mohommed Sulaiman (29) recently fell on the shoulders of the accountant who was engaged in the businessman's office itself.

According to the suspect Mohommed Aslam alias Paseer who is detained and is being interrogated, the police have been able to
understand how this kidnapping was carried out and how the murder took place perchance. Paseer who was in charge of the finance aspect at Sulaiman's business location was his most faithful employee and there had even been an intimate friendship between the two. Though Paseer who was newly married was burdened with many financial issues it was not possible for him to attend to those needs from the salary he drew. In fact Sulaiman had come forward to give him a helping hand on several such occasions too. On the suspect's wedding celebrations he had even volunteered to provide a vehicle by way of transport and a sum of 5 lakhs too. Apart from this, another employee who was working at the businessman's location was helped by the deceased when this employee fell into difficulties. That was when the Kelani River was down with floods in which instance too Sulaiman had extended his support by giving him 5 lakhs. This man incidentally was another accomplice named Rizad who extended his support to Paseer over this murder. As if to say that a good deed done, keeps pursuing, in the end it was Paseer and Rizad who thought of a plan of demanding a ransom after abducting their own master. It had been revealed at the interrogation that Paseer and Rizard had planned this abduction process well in advance of 2 months before. Rizard who kept company with unlawful and rowdy characters had introduced such a gang for this underhand job. A gang from the Peliyagoda Fish Market, a gang of 'nattamis' from Pettah and a three-wheel driver were among the 7 in this crowd of accomplices who were involved in this incident.

Their plan had been to kidnap Sulaiman and to detain him at a spot in Rambukkana in Kegalle and then demand the ransom concerned. As such, 3 individuals had been posted at that decided detention point. As envisaged beforehand a sum of Rs. 43000 had been paid and a vehicle secured from a hiring establishment and on the evening of the tragic incident 5 persons had been in ambush awaiting Sulaiman near his home after he was to return home from attending a wedding, with the motive of getting hold of him and thus drag him into the said vehicle.

Sulaiman who lives in a luxury house down a road close to the sea beach in Bambalapitiya was thrown aback to see these people approaching his vehicle when he arrived at his residence and stopped the vehicle. Sulaiman who assumed that bandits had come there to get at him had made an attempt to open the door of the vehicle and make a get away. At that moment someone who was there near the door had put his hand forward and tried to block him and then Sulaiman had pushed his hand with much force and had managed to get away from the scene. When he had thus been running towards the sea shore, the ransom seekers too had followed him with weapons in their hands. Sulaiman had wrestled with them on about two occasions; but because of a blow with a handle of a machette dealt on the back of his head by a person in the gang, he had collapsed. On that occasion they had put the victim who was rendered helpless into their vehicle and had set off in it.

Sulaiman's wife who was in the house had observed her husband grappling with a gang near her house and she had promptly notified the police about the incident and it was soon after that the investigations were launched. Because of the blow which struck a fatal point on his head, while inside the vehicle Sulaiman had become serious. He had vomitted a number of times inside the vehicle. Though the ransom seekers had to break journey at a number of places along Kandy Road were compelled to attend to treating him. However his condition had turned for the worse. Since admitting him to hospital would be a situation which would mean the cat coming out of the bag, their intention was to somehow or other take him to Rambukkana and to provide him with some treatment there.

However rather unfortunately Sulaiman had breathed his last after about two hours, within the vehicle itself. After realising that he was not breathing anymore, Paseer had got upset and had reprimanded the individual who assaulted the victim because the strategies adopted all washed away in the waters resulting in some hullabaloo. He had actually got into this state or mood because there had been no intention of killing Sulaiman until the ransom came into their hands and had realised that the plan had now misfired. What was decided later was to avoid telling the rowdy gang about Sulaiman's death and to demand the ransom by giving a telephone call to the victim's father by using members of that gang.

Paseer who in the process had given instructions to drive the vehicle to a lonely spot close to Hemmathagama and to stop the vehicle near a slope and then dump the dead body by throwing it down the precipice. The mobile phone in Sulaiman's pocket was smashed up with a stone and thrown into the jungle area and his clothes were set on fire so that no trace of evidence could be found. Subsequently they had come to a friend's home in that area and had changed their clothes. Paseer who handed over the duty of driving the hired vehicle to one person to drop the other 3 accomplices to their homes in Rambukkana; he himself had taken action to come to Colombo by bus.

According to the plans, if he did not report to work the following day it would lead to an element of suspicion and so Paseer had come to Colombo in that manner and had even reported to work the following day.  Those at Rambukkana were informed that Sulaiman had been kidnapped and stationed at a different spot. The second phase of the duty of securing the ransom had been allocated to them with instructions without giving even a hint that Sulaiman had died.

As per the instructions, this gang who stepped into a communication outlet in Kegalle the next day morning had contacted Sulaiman's father over the telephone had demanded the ransom of 2 crores. Even by that time a wide-scale exposure had been launched by the media about Sulaiman's kidnapping and the eyes of the police were directed at the place from where the telephone call originated. Investigations carried out across cctv cameras of business locations in adjoining areas of the communication concerned proved productive and thus police inquiries about vehicles parked in that vicinity and people hovering about there ended on a progressive note. Under such circumstances the police were successful in cornering 2 suspects initially across those findings and at a later stage the entire group was tracked. Finally those who were so so detected are at present under remand custody.  
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