Elephant collapses after consumption of Kassipu !

 Elephant collapses after consumption of Kassipu !

Elephant collapses after consumption of Kassipu !

It is reported that a  sick wild elephant had collapsed and fallen down on the 30th instant had been located on a gravel road on the afternoon of the 30th instant inGalgamuwa -Kallanchiya Ankendawa area.It is suspected that
the elephant may have accidentally consumed Kassippu or some poison This had been revealed by the officers of the wild life department.

The age of the Elephant was said to be around 25 years and was eight feet tall has had no external injuries on the body.The wild life officers suspect that the Elephant may have consumed some poisonous drink. The Veterinary Surgeon of the wild life department Chandana Jayasinghe had started to treat the Elephant on the 31st instant..
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