Blood of cattle streams into pirivena when commemorating "Haj" in mosque

 Blood of cattle streams into pirivena when commemorating "Haj" in mosque

of cattle streams into pirivena when commemorating "Haj" in mosque

A commotion has arisen because of blood of cattle invading a Buddhist pirivena close to which was a Muslim mosque where cattle were slaughtered for the purpose of commemorating "Haj" festival of
Islamic devotees celebrated yesterday.

This incident had taken place at the Bajjangoda Mosque in Pelmadulla. Cattle blood had been streaming in to the land which housed the Buddhajayanthi Pirivena. As a consequence the neighbourhood who approached the clergy of the temple have created some uproar. Subsequently the police who arrived on the scene had tried to settle the issue by even going to the extent of summoning those concerned to the dhamma hall and holding a special meeting there. Finally a settlement was brought about over the incident when persons of the Muslim mosque made a promise in writing that no cattle slaughtering would be carried out in that location in future.

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