Colombo Ananda College Principal gets a transfer

Colombo Ananda College Principal gets a transfer

Colombo Ananda College Principal gets a transfer

It is reported that the Principal of Ananda College Colombo Kithsiri Liyanagamage has received a transfer to the Southern Province Educational office.

 In the recent past there had been investigations against the Principal on audit queries and some factions had protested that the
Principal be removed.

There were adverse reports on the status of the Principal of Royal College who was transferred and investigations are been conducted on the Principal of Nalanda Vidyalaya also for alleged irregularities.

When many Principals of Colombo schools were alleged to have irregularities the Principal of Ananda College had requested a transfer from the authorities of the education ministry. It was accordingly that the Principal of Ananda College had been transferred.

It is reported that Principal Liyanagamage had earlier served as the Director of education southern province.

A Principal from a school in Kandy area is to to be appointed as the new Principal of Ananda College it is reported.
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