Minister John comments on vehicle price hike - Update

 Minister John comments on vehicle price hike -- Update

Minister John comments on vehicle price hike - Update

Mr. John Amaratunga who expressed his opinion to the media day-before-yesterday with reference to the excessive price hike on vehicles by the government recently said that the increase of vehicles on the roads now and that those who 'should' as well  as the 'should-nots' too are using vehicles which reasons contributed towards the  government taking such a decision.

Whatever it is, after this idea was revealed the Minister has faced unpleasant reactions from higher ups for having made such a comment and had thus placed the government itself in an unpleasant situation, it is reported. Thus he had been reprimanded for having tried to give an interpretation to a subject which is irrelevant  to him. However when a certain radio channel happened to question him
on that topic last evening, he  tried  to scrape through by responding that he did not say such a thing and that he cannot remember such a thing.

In the meantime Minister Wijithamuni Soysa has given a reply in connection with the Minister's statement and what he says is that every  person in Sri Lanka is eligible to buy a vehicle and that it is the duty of the government to provide an opportunity for it. In the process on Minister Ravi Karunanayaka being questioned on this topic at a media briefing yesterday, what he had said was that he is unable to comment anything about Minister John's statement and that to enquire from he himself.

The idea behind the hiking of vehicle prices by Minister Ravi he said was that at the request of Vehicle Importers and Three-wheel Associations this action was taken for a short period of time. The voice-cut of Neth  FM where Minister John said that he 'cannot remember', from  below

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