Youth kidnapped in Wariyapola!

 Youth kidnapped in Wariyapola!

Youth kidnapped in Wariyapola!

The young boy who was abducted by ransom-seekers recently in Wariyapola area was left lying near a clock tower this morning (15) and was found by the police. The youth who was kidnapped in this manner was one Mohammed Ashik aged 20 years.
 He was abducted close to his house in Wariyapola town and a ransom of 2 million was claimed from Mohammed Ashik's father who was a wholesale trader.

What the police said was that 2 of the suspects who were involved in the kidnapping were taken into custody and on interrogating them, information about the other suspects were revealed and when preparations were underway to arrest the others, this kidnapped youth was found left abandoned in Nikaweratiya town in this manner. They had informed the police that they had left the youth near a lamppost close to a clock tower in Nikaweratiya. As such he was rescued by the police and the said young man has been admitted to Nikaweratiya Hospital by now.

The suspects had already beat a retreat and a search for them is underway. News First video scenes when the youth was found, from below.

Previous article about the incident, from here

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