Expedite Panama Leaks investigations

Expedite Panama Leaks investigations - Anti Corruption organization

After the Panama Papers revealed the name of Sri Lankans the  authorities of the CAFE organization had released this:

From the Panama Papers revelation made yesterday the names of 22 accounts ( in which the names of
19 persons) there business names ,addresses in Sri Lanka,the financial institutions they have had dealings have been disclosed.

Earlier it had been revealed of 43 businesses including 42 persons.All together 65 business names and 60 persons  with 51 addresses have been revealed.

Among the names are very popular jewellery establishments, garment factories, Avant Gardeand many other businesses have been revealed.What the anti corruption organisation had pointed out is that having accounts in other countries is not prohibited but they should inform our Central Bank of Sri Lanka.

The important factor is to find whether these businessmen had paid taxes out of the earnings and if not the moneys should be brought back to the country. The emphasis is drawn  by the media unit of the Anti Corruption organization to the financial corruption investigation unit to investigate these accounts.
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