Dhanasiri Amaratunga to FCID to question on Shiranthi's multi storied house in Dehiwala

 Dhanasiri Amaratunga to FCID to question on Shiranthi's multi storied house in Dehiwala

Dhanasiri Amaratunga to FCID to question on Shiranthi's multi storied house in Dehiwala

The Dehiwala-Mt Lavinia Mayor of the former ruling party Dhanasiri Amaratunga had been summoned to the FCID on the 10th instant to question on the multi storied house built and owned
by the former president's wife Shiranthi Rajapaksa during the tenure of the previous regime.

The house has been built on a land in Dehiwala at a cost of a number of millions of rupees and it consists of multi stories.Dhanasiri Amaratunga had been summoned to question in regard to the ownership of the related land and the approvals for the construction granted by the Dehiwala -Mt Lavinia Municipal Council authorities.

After the notice to be present at the FCID to question him was sent he had appeared before the FCID officials on the 10th instant to answer to the questions.
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