Dad -- daughter conflict in Karandeniya

 Dad -- daughter conflict in Karandeniya

Dad -- daughter conflict in Karandeniya

A case where the house of a father living there was bulldozed by his daughter with all his clothing and other goods without his knowledge was heard from police quarters in Karandeniya recently.

The daughter concerned had resided at a new house put
up in a piece of land transferred to her by her father, after her marriage. The father who was supposed to have been living in a small house in the same land had of course been living there peacefully without any worry as such. However the daughter who had constantly been complaining that the old house was not suitable for maintaining an attractive look for her house had suggested to her father that that house  be demolished; to which the father had not displayed a positive response.

Under the above circumstances the daughter had taken steps to demolish the father's house by a dozer after waiting for an opportunity when he was not at his home of course without informing him. Even though old items and clothing too were inside that old dwelling, all that had been destroyed without taking those out of that house.

After this incident the father who had returned home had set his eyes on the calamity that had befallen him and of course had been thoroughly shocked when the daughter had afterwards taken steps to pacify him inviting him to come and stay with her. It was after that the father had made a bee-line to the police to pour out everything regarding the injustice done to him. After the Officer-in-Charge of the police station had pointed out that though the daughter was the rightful possessor of the said piece of land, what was done is not correct and then the daughter was willing to accept what was told. She had later said that she could pay a sum of 4 lakhs or else provide a new house. She thus made a record of that statement confirming it in the police book. The father who faced some worry because of what happened to his home nevertheless had been consoled to some extent. The matter without being forwarded to courts was finally brought to a settlement.
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